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Syntax / Selectors

In HTML5 we don't include markup related to how our page should look; instead we focus on its structure, layout, and organization. We put all this information in style sheets: text files that define CSS selectors and rules for how to style our HTML elements.

CSS allows us to specify styles, layout, positioning, and other "style" properties for HTML elements. CSS makes it possible for a page's style information to be separated from its structure and content

CSS Syntax

CSS syntax is made up of rules, which are broken into two parts:

  1. a selector, specifying the element(s) that should have the rules applied
  2. one or more declarations, which are key/value pairs surrounded by {...} braces
h1 {
color: blue;
font-size: 12px;

In this example, the selector is h1, which indicates that we want the following rules to be applied to level-1 heading elements (i.e., all <h1></h1> elements in the document). Next comes a list of two definitions, each ending with a ;. These declarations follow the usual key/value syntax, with a property name coming before the :, and a value coming after:

  • color: blue; says we want to use the colour (note the spelling) blue
  • font-size: 12px; says we want the font to be 12px.

Here's another example:

p {
color: red;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: underline;

This indicates we want all <p></p> elements in the document to have red, centered, underlined text.

Where to Put CSS

CSS can come from a number of sources in an HTML page:

  1. Inline
  2. Internal Embedded
  3. External File(s)
  4. The browser itself (e.g., default styles, or extra styles injected by a browser extension)

Browsers apply styles to elements using a priority order that matches the list above. If more than one style rule is specified for an element, the browser will prefer whatever is defined in Inline styles over Internal Embedded, Internal Embedded over External files, etc.

Inline Example

CSS rules can be placed directly on an element via the style attribute:

<div style="background-color: green">...</div>

Internal Embedded

If we want to apply the same CSS rules to more than one element, it makes more sense to not duplicate them on every element's style attribute. One solution is to use an internal embedded <style> element in the <head> or <body>, similar to how embedded <script> elements work:

p {
color: red;

div {
background-color: blue;
text-align: center;

External File(s)

Putting large amounts of CSS in <style> elements makes our HTML harder to read and maintain (CSS is about separating style from structure), and also causes our page to perform worse in terms of load times (i.e., the styles can't be cached by the browser). To overcome this, we often include external .css files via the <link> element within the document's <head>:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css" />

We can include many stylesheets in this way (i.e., everything doesn't have to go in one file), and we can include .css files on the same origin, or a remote origin:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css" />

In the example above, the page uses the popular Bootstrap CSS styles along with some locally (i.e., local to the web server) styles in styles.css.

A .css file included in this way can also @import to have even more .css files get loaded at runtime:

/* Import Font Awesome */
@import url(;

In this example, the popular Font Awesome CSS library for font icons has been imported via a .css file.

CSS Selectors

As we have seen from the above section on "CSS Syntax", CSS selectors are patterns used to select elements within HTML documents for styling. They target elements based on attributes such as id, class, type, and their hierarchical relationships.

Tag / Type Selectors

The name of an HTML element can be used to specify the styles associated with all elements of the given type. For example, to indent all <p> text in our document, we could do this:

p {
text-indent: 20px;

Class Selectors

Often we want to apply styles to some but not all elements of a certain kind. Perhaps we only want some of our page's <p> elements to have a particular look. To achieve this, we define a class, and then put that class on the elements that require it:

.demo {
text-decoration: underline red;

<p>This is a paragraph that won't get the styles below applied to it (doesn't include the class)</p>
<p class="demo">This paragraph will get the styling applied.</p>
<p class="demo">And so will this one.</p>

A class can be applied to elements that aren't of the same type:

.invisible {
display: none;

<h1 class="invisible">Title</p>
<p class="invisible">This is a paragraph.</p>

I this example, both the <h1> element, and the <p> element will have the display: none style applied, hiding them so they don't appear in the page.

If we want to be more specific, and only apply styles to elements of a given type which also have a given class, we can do this:

p.note {
font-weight: bold;

<p class="note">This is a paragraph that also uses the note class.</p>
<div class="note">
This div uses the note class too, but because we said p.note, no styles are used.

An element can also have multiple classes applied, each one adding different styling:

.invisible {
display: none;

.example {
color: green;
background-color: red;

<p class="invisible example">This is a paragraph that uses two classes at once.</p>

ID Selectors

In many cases, we have only a single element that should use styles. Using a type or class selector would be overly broad, and so we tend to use an id instead. Recall that only one HTML element in a document can have a given id attribute: it must be unique.

#summary {
background-color: skyblue;

<div id="summary"></div>

When we use the id as a selector, we prefix it with the # symbol. Notice that the HTML does not use the # symbol though.

Contextual Selectors

Another common way to write selectors is to use the position of elements in the DOM. The context selector indicates the context, or placement/nesting (i.e., determined by the parent node) of the element.

For example, if we want to apply styles to <p> elements that are children of <div> elements, we could do this:

div p {
font-size: 16px;

<p>This paragraph will not receive the styling</p>

<p>This paragraph will receive the styling.</p>
<p>This paragraph will receive the styling also.</p>

Grouping Selectors

As our CSS grows, it's common that we'll notice that we're repeating the same things multiple times. Instead of doing this, we can group a number of selectors together into a comma-separated list:

body {
height: 100%;

h6 {
font-family: Serif;
color: blue;

Here we've used grouping twice to cut-down on the number of times we have to repeat things. In the first case, we defined a height of 100% (full height of the window) for the <html> and <body> elements (they don't have a height by default, and will only be as tall as the content within them). We've also declared some font and color information for all the headings we want to use.

Containers for Styling

We have discussed <div> and <span> when discussing HTML, but their purpose may not have been clear. Why bother wrapping other elements in <div>...</div> or <span>...</span> when they don't change their appearance (ie: no default style applied to them)?

With CSS we can now start to take advantage of these elements as "containers", which can be used for grouping elements together for styling.

Recall that a <div> is a block level element, and <span> an inline element. Depending on how we want to group the elements and how we should apply CSS, we can use one or both. Consider the following:

.info-box {
border: solid green;

.info-box p {
font-family: Serif;

.info-box span {
font-weight: bold;

.info-box img {
width: 75px;
height: 75px;

<p>This paragraph won't have any special style applied. Neither will this <span>span</span>.</p>

<div class="info-box">
<p><span>Name:</span> Thomas Lee</p>
<p><span>Age:</span> 23</p>
<img src="tlee.jpg" />